UON Tennis Club
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The Monday Night Competition is our club's main fixture. It runs each Monday night throughout semester from 8pm until roughly 9:30pm. There are traditionally six divisions in the comp and as such, skill levels vary considerably meaning that no matter your level of ability, there's a spot for you! This is a pairs event but teams are allocated by the division managers in order to make the comp as even as possible, so you don't need a partner to nominate. Each player will play one singles set and doubles set each night. Most divisions are mixed (males and females) although this is subject to the number of entrants.
The Monday Night Competition is a member only event, so before registering, one has to become a 2024 member ($10). Comp registration is an additional $40. This fee covers the cost of court hire, tennis balls, scorecards, prizes and invites to our social events for the semester.
How to Join
If the Monday Night Comp sounds like your cup of tea, then follow these simple steps:
- First, you need to make a UON Tennis Club account on this web page
- Secondly, all members will need to attend the trial night, usually held on the first Monday night of the semester. This will allow new players to demonstrate their skill level against past players, which will allow division managers to accurately allocate players within the competition divisions. To sign up the for the trial night, you can follow the links in the "Events" tab or click here.
- Next, you need to become a member of the UON Tennis Club, as the competition is a member only event. This can be done by following the links in the "Membership" tab or click here
- Lastly, once the trial night is completed, you can register for the competition. There are only limited spots available for the Monday night competition so make sure to sign-up quickly to guarantee your spot. As divisions and draws need to be finalised prior to the first week of play, we estimate that registrations will close on the following Sunday after trial night. To secure your spot, follow the links within the "Events" tab or click here
The rules for our Monday Night Competition are much the same as standard tennis apart from the 3-point deuce rule. In order to keep to time constraints, the standard deuce scoring system is shortened. The rule is simple:
- Once deuce is reached, the next point is advantage (standard rules)
- If the score returns to deuce, the next point is a “sudden death” point
- As such, the winner of the “sudden death” (3rd point of deuce) point wins the game.
Other than this, set play is normal and of standard first-to-six length. A tiebreak is played at five games all. If there are any other queries please refer to the by-laws.
We understand that for many players, unavoidable circumstances occur and that sometimes this means missing a night of Tennis. In the event that a substitute is required, you must contact your division manager immediately so that they can find a suitable replacement. You must contact your division manager directly prior to 5pm of the Sunday prior to your match. If your manager is contacted after this, your team will forfeit both the sets that the player was going to participate in (one singles and one doubles), regardless of whether or not a substitute is found.
This rule is in place to maintain the quality of the competition. If a player forfeits their sets, it means that the three other people involved in the match miss out on the tennis that they've paid for. As such, we strongly discourage this and urge players who are unable to play for a certain week to notify their division manager as early as possible.
If you would like to be put on a list of substitute players that are called to fill in for players in the Monday Night Social Competition, please sign up on this website under the "Events" tab (to "Substitute Players List - Monday Night Competition" event). It is free for members and we can call you when we need you (which is generally most weeks)!
For more information regarding Competitive Events, please contact:
Club Administration: uontclub@gmail.com
Or DM us via Instagram: @uon_tennisclub